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Paradise beach days

These calm days in spring, they are simply the best – right out of paradise…!

An early start with the sunrise:
Then off to the beach. The water sea is still cool in May, but once you are in it, it’s marvellous!

(When you click on the photos they open as slidesshow.)
We find and catch some small animals (click on the photos to view the caption).
Philocheras spec

We find this shrimp (Philocheras spec) which is rarely seen as it lives buried in the sand.

Pomatoschistus microps

We also catch (and release afterwards of course) this small goby (Pomatoschistus microps)

Bothus podas

The Wide-eyed flounder is common in the shallow water.

Bothus podas

Like the former two species it is sand-coloured and exellently camouflaged.

Aidablennius sphynx

These small blennies, quite common at the coast, are easy to catch.

Aidablennius sphynx

Blennies are territorial fish that often inhabit old date mussel holes.

Pachygrapsus marmoratus

An uncommonly large crab of the species Pachygrapsus marmoratus

Who dares to catch it?

Pachygrapsus marmoratus

It is a female that carries the eggs under its abdomen.

Pachygrapsus marmoratus

Here you can see the crab from below.

Actinia equina

This Beadlet anemone sits on the rocks of the little island.

Caulerpa racemosa

Caulerpa racemosa, a chlorophyte (“green alga”)

Liagora viscida

probably Liagora viscida, a rhodophyte (“red alga”)

Wrangelia penicillata

also very beautiful: Wrangelia penicillata

On the way home we enjoy once more the view over our bay with the islands of Mákares and Donoússa in the background.
beach of Agios Dimitris, Azalas, Moutsouna