The climate data of Naxos
From the meteorological station in Chora. For reference you find also the data of Berlin (B), Hamburg (H), Rome (R) and Mallorca (M)
- average annual temperature:
18,1°C (B: 9,2; H: 9,0; R: 15,4; M: 15,8) - absolute minimum and maximum temperatures:
-1°C und 37,4°C - average annual precipitation:
376 mm (B: 578; H: 773; R: 756; M: 414) - average number of days with rain per year:
76 (B: 171; H: 195; R: 95; M: 71) - average yearly number of hours with sunshine: 2586 h
Climate data 2010 – 2020 and 1955 – 1993
Average monthly values 1955-1993, Jan-Jun (in mm bzw. °C)
measured parameter | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun |
rain | 68,1 | 52,8 | 46,3 | 17,9 | 10,3 | 2,8 |
daily maximum | 56,0 | 54,5 | 98,8 | 26,0 | 31,0 | 16,2 |
days with rain | 14,3 | 11,4 | 10,3 | 6,6 | 3,7 | 1,4 |
average temperature | 12,1 | 12,2 | 13,3 | 16,1 | 19,4 | 23,2 |
the same, 1996-2007 | 12,0 | 11,9 | 13,6 | 15,9 | 19,2 | 23,3 |
average max. temperature | 14,3 | 14,5 | 15,6 | 18,6 | 21,9 | 25,7 |
the same,1996-2007 | 14,0 | 14,0 | 15,9 | 18,8 | 22,0 | 26,0 |
absolute max. temperature | 22,2 | 24,6 | 25,5 | 30,5 | 33,6 | 36,2 |
average min. temperature | 9,3 | 9,2 | 10,2 | 12,4 | 15,4 | 19,3 |
the same,1996-2007 | 10,0 | 9,8 | 11,2 | 13,2 | 16,5 | 20,5 |
absoute min. temperature | 0,4 | -1,0 | 1,5 | 4,4 | 7,1 | 12,0 |
water temperature | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 21 |
hours with sunshine/day | 4 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 10 | 13 |
Average monthly values 1955-1993, Jul-Dec (in mm bzw. °C)
measured parameter | Jul | Aug | Sep | Okt | Nov | Dez |
rain | 0,7 | 2,2 | 5,6 | 34,9 | 49,8 | 68,3 |
daily maximum | 9,7 | 74,8 | 42,2 | 73,2 | 96,7 | 71,3 |
days with rain | 0,5 | 0,3 | 1,8 | 5,7 | 9,2 | 13,7 |
average temperature | 24,7 | 24,6 | 22,6 | 19,5 | 16,3 | 13,6 |
the same, 1996-2007 | 25,4 | 25,9 | 23,4 | 20,2 | 16,1 | 13,4 |
average max. temperature | 26,7 | 26,5 | 24,6 | 21,8 | 18,8 | 15,8 |
the same,1996-2007 | 27,9 | 28,2 | 25,8 | 22,3 | 18,4 | 15,2 |
absolute max. temperature | 37,4 | 36,6 | 34,0 | 32,2 | 28,8 | 24,0 |
average min. temperature | 21,7 | 21,8 | 19,8 | 16,7 | 13,5 | 10,9 |
the same,1996-2007 | 22,9 | 23,4 | 21,1 | 18,1 | 14,0 | 11,6 |
absolute min. temperature | 14,8 | 13,6 | 11,2 | 7,2 | 4,5 | 2,0 |
water temperature | 24 | 25 | 25 | 22 | 18 | 14 |
hours of sunshine/day | 13 | 12 | 10 | 8 | 5 | 3 |
more information: Klimarechner von wetteronline, Daten für Naxos
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