Presentations and Guided tours
During the COVID-years, when our guests could not come to Naxos, I started to give online presentations, illustrated with many beautiful pictures, about the island of Naxos, in order to provide a kind of virtual holiday-substitute. This turned out to be a wonderful way for the guests to learn something about the island and to really dive into the subjects, so I am continuing to offer the possibility. You can participate in our informative and detailed presentations about the nature and culture of the island of Naxos either online before or after your holiday (or, of course, independently of a vacation), or we can arrange presentations during your stay with us. This can be a single presentation on a topic that you are particularly interested in or a series, for instance, on the history of the island or on sea life.
Most presentations last approximately 1 hour; some are shorter, while others might run a bit longer. For more detailed information please contact me via email.
Please be aware that English is not my native language, so it is a bit more difficult for me to give a presentation in English, but so far we managed well enough.
The history of the island of Naxos is long and interesting: In 20 presentations we embark on a journey through the different epochs from the early stone age up to modern times, illustrated by the finds of the archaeologists and by the many interesting monuments that you can visit on Naxos.

The Portára, the landmark of Naxos-Town

Stone age: obsidian splinters

stone age excavation site: the cave on Zas mountain

Early Bronze age: cycladic marble idols

early bronze age settlement in Pánormos

Mycenaean epoch: vases decorated with marine motives

mycenaean domed tomb near Komiakí

Geometric epoch: vases in the museum in Naxos-Town

geometric graveyard with tumulus graves

Archaic epoch: the Kouros in Apóllonas

archaic temple of Demeter near Sangrí

Hellenistic epoch: hellenistic artefacts in the museum

hellenistic Tower of Chimarrou

Roman epoch: mosaic in the museum

roman glass vases

Byzantine epoch: Panagía Drosianí near Moní

byzantine wallpaintings in the church Ágia Kyriakí

Venetian epoch: venetian tower in Agiá

venetian coat of arms

Ottoman epoch: monastery at Kalamítsia

Modern times: the pilgrimage church Panagía Argokiliótissa

18th century church Ágios Artémios near Kinídaros
Traditional village life
Two presentations about aspects of the traditional village life: about the traditional water mills and about the cycladic bagpipe.
Cultural landscape
In seven presentations we explore the naxian cultural landscape and the traditional agriculture: the origin of the mediterranean vegetation, the old cultivated plants, farm animals and their products, water and irrigation, traditional houses, architecture, walls, terraces, soil and much more.
Here we present the different vegetation types of Naxos (wood, maquis vegetation and shrubland) and explore the life forms of the plants and their strategies and adaptations, from the trees to the annual plants.

There exists more woodland on Naxos than one would expect.

Maquis is also a widespread vegetation type.

Large areas of the island are overgrown with low shrub (phrygana).

evergreen trees: Kermes oak

deciduous trees: Alder

Chamaephytes: Satureja thymbra

Geophytes: Crocus tournefortii

Hemicryptophytes: Smyrnium olustratum

Annual plants: Erophila verna

Aquatic plants: Ranunculus trichophyllus
The Mediterranean sea
In twelve fascinating presentations we explore the environmental conditions and the habitats of the coast and the shallow sea, from the sea grass meadows to the riffs of calcareous rhodophytes in the tidal zone, and meet all the different kinds of sea life, from the one-celled foramininfera to the fish.

the sea, a rich habitat

in the tidal zone

under water

Sea grass: Cymodocea nodosa

Chlorophytes: Caulerpa racemosa

Rhodophytes: Wrangelia penicillata

Cnidarians: Actinia equina

Echinoderms: Marthasterias glacialis

Crustaceans: Callinectes sapidus

Shellfish: Manupecten pesfelis

Sea snails: Hexaplex trunculus

Blennies: Aidablennius sphynx
Here we explore the fauna of Naxos in fifteen amazing presentations about the birds, bats, reptiles, amphibia, spiders and insects of the island. With the help of many beautiful pictures we learn about the characteristics, peculiarities and way of life of the different species.

The fauna of Naxos: Collared pratincole on migration

Birds: Black-eared Wheatear

Bats: Greater horseshoe bat

Reptiles: Eryx jaculus

Amphibia: Balkan frog

Spiders: Thyene imperialis

Beetles: Purpuricenus desfontanii

Bugs: Spilostethus pandurus

Grasshoppers: Calliptamus barbarus

Praying mantisses: Iris oratoria

Dragonflies: Sympetrum meridionale

Neuroptera: Libelloides lacteus

Butterflies: Scarce Swallowtail

Flies: Exoprosopa jacchus

Wasps: European beewolf

Bees: Amegilla quadrifasciata
As largest island of the Cyclades and richest in water, Naxos offers a rich flora with more than 1000 plant species, many of which are rather rare and unusual. Here we undertake a beautiful stroll through the different plant families from the lichens to the umbelliferae.

the flora of Naxos: Caloplaca aurantium

Cistus monspeliensis

Colchicum cupanii

Glaucium flavum

Lomelosia brachiata

Blackstonia perfoliata

Ophrys scolopax ssp. heldreichii

Cladonia convoluta

Anthyllis vulneraria

Moraea sisyrhinchium

Crocus laevigatus

Trifolium globosum

Geranium rotundifolium

Dianthus tripunctatus

Haematomma nemetzii

Pallensis spinosa

Convolvulus althaeoides

Orlaya daucoides

Bellardia trixago
Naxos is of special interest to the geologists as one can study on the island interesting processes of mountain building, metamorphosis and weathering. Here we attempt to unroll this difficult subject in six presentations about marble, schist and migmatite, about shear zones and folds, about emery and marble quarries.

rock-tower at the east coast of Naxos

emery with sapphire

tourmaline and garnet


mica minerals

sinter tubes


marble coast

conglomerate on Palátia island (Naxos-Town)


folded layers of marble and amphibolite

granodiorite with tafoni weathering

gravel at the beach on the Makares-islands
Weather and Climate
Three presentations on the climate and weather of Naxos: We examine the types of clouds, how clouds form, the weather development and special phenomenons like rainbows, thunderstorms and snow.
Naxos has many springs and even several small perennial rivers, rare on the Cyclades. In two presentations we discover the rivers of Naxos and meet the animals and plants of these special biotopes.
Gods and nymphs
And lastly a quick introduction to some of the gods and godesses of Naxos: the nymphs, Dionysos and Demeter.
Guided tours
Depending on the season we also offer guided tours around the different subjects, for example as a short walk directly in our area, as hike in the mountains or as an excursion to some monument. Also I can help you identify plants or animals that you met on your own and that you took a photo of.

on a hiking tour

taking pictures for the web site and the presentations

on a guided tour

bird watching
Information on the island of Naxos
Apart from these forms of diving into the different subjects you can also contact me any time with your questions about the culture and nature of Naxos.