Underwater landscapes
The best times of year to immerse yourself in the underwater world at Azalas are June as well as late summer and early autumn, when there are more windless days and the water is warm. Right here at our sandy beach and along the adjacent rocky coast, you can discover impressive underwater landscapes and numerous interesting species of sea life.
looking along the coast from the rock near our beach where we like to jump into the water
In our bathing bay, the underground is sand over large stretches. At first glance, these sandy areas look quite empty, but they are inhabited by numerous organisms of all kinds that live buried in the sand.
The seagrass Cymodocea nodosa grows in the areas where the water is a few meters deep.
It is not an alga, but belongs to the land-dwelling higher plants and has migrated back into the sea. It forms root runners, so that the plants are often arranged in rows.
As you move further away from the sandy beach, you soon come across rocky ground.
In many places, large boulders rise up from the seabed; in between, the ground is mostly covered with smaller and larger stones.
Around the small island, meadows of the seagrass species Posidonia oceanica can be found at relatively shallow depth. Although these seagrass meadows appear rather monotonous from above, they provide habitat and shelter for countless marine organisms and fish larvae.
The most interesting and diverse areas of the underwater world are the rocks close to the coast, which are overgrown with countless sessile organisms (both algae and animals of various species), and where fish of different species and other marine animals like crabs can be observed.
see also: