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Here you find all of the 400 or so articles dealing with the nature of Naxos, organised chronologically with the latest articles at the top.
Agios Georgios Diasoritis
4. August 2024
The church of Ágios Geórgios Diasorítis, located near Chalkí, is one of the most important sights on the island of Naxos, as well as a cultural monument of great importance with relatively well-pre…
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Besuch bei der Kirche Agios Stefanos bei der Chora
2. February 2024
Heute hatte ich Gelegenheit für einen kurzen Besuch der Ruine der Kirche Ágios Stéfanos in der Nähe von Angídia – eine interessante Sehenswürdigkeit, auch wenn nur wenig von der Kirche erhalten ist…
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Village architecture and stone houses
11. November 2023
The Cycladic villages The Cycladic villages usually consist of small houses standing close to each other in narrow alleyways. The villages of Naxos except for the settlements directly at the coast …
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11. November 2023
Ostern – das wichtigste orthodoxe Fest, die wichtigste Feier in Griechenland. Karfreitag ist der höchste Fastentag, aber einige Menschen fasten die ganze Osterwoche oder gar alle vierzig Tage der F…
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Mitati – the simple old stone houses
8. November 2023
Everywhere in the cultivated regions and in the areas used for grazing sheep or goats, the wanderer on Naxos will come across old small stone houses, the mitáti (singular mitátos). Farmers lived in…
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The traditional oil mills
7. November 2023
The olive oil The use of olive oil on Naxos has been documented since the Cycladic period in the Early Bronze age; not only have vessels been found that are thought to be oil lamps, but also vessel…
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The old stone houses at Karkos
7. November 2023
Walking from Apíranthos to the fortified monastery Fotodótis near Danakós, one passes a picturesque valley called Karkós, with a grove of magnificent old Vallonean oaks. Two old stone houses bear w…
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Joannis Theologos in Danakos
3. November 2023
The church at the cemetery of Danakós, dedicated to St John the Theologian, contains very rare wall paintings from the time of iconoclasm, which have recently been uncovered and restored. The ceme…
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Panagia Archatou near Agiassos
1. November 2023
In the south-west of Naxos, not far from Agiassós, lies the unusual Byzantine church of Panagía Archatoú, which is decorated with remarkable murals. The building was probably erected before the 12t…
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Panagia Liouriotissa in Marathos
31. October 2023
In the valley of Marathós south of Kastro Apalírou, in a side valley, lies among olive trees the small church of Panagía Liouriótissa (Our Lady of the Olive Grove), which is dedicated to the Presen…
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Agios Georgios in Marathos
30. October 2023
In south-west Naxos, in the area south of Agiassós, lies several churches scattered in the empty landscape, that are decorated with important Byzantine wall paintings well worth seeing, even if the…
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Panagia Protothronos in Chalki
28. October 2023
The large village church of Chalkí, Panagía Protóthronos, dedicated to the Annunciation of the Lord, is one of the oldest churches on the island. It probably dates back to the Early Christian perio…
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Agios Andreas at Apano Kastro
23. October 2023
On the hiking trail from Potamiá to Apáno Kástro, one passes by a very small but pretty church dedicated to St Andreas. It is a single-nave church without a dome with wall arcades (“blind” arches o…
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Joannis Theologos Kaminiou near Kalandos
23. October 2023
On the hills to the north of Kalandós, the large bay at the southern tip of Naxos, near two shepherds’ houses in an area called Kamíni (from the name of the traditional lime kilns), stands a small …
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The Pilgrim church Panagia Argokiliotissa
26. November 2022
At Argokíli, near the mountain village of Kóronos, you can visit a large pilgrimage church, one of the largest church buildings in the Balkans. The pilgrimage church is located in a rather barren,…
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The Venetian towers
14. March 2021
Among the many remarkable sights on the island of Naxos are the Venetian fortified towers – evidence of a turbulent time. No other island in the Aegean has as many Venetian towers as Naxos. After t…
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The Byzantine murals in the churches of Naxos
20. January 2021
In the Byzantine churches of Naxos quite often some medieval wall paintings (murals) have been preserved. Important remains of murals can be found not only in some churches in the central, more pop…
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The Monastery of Fotodotis
1. October 2020
Near Danakós, not far from the pass to Apíranthos, lies a Byzantine fortified monastery dedicated to the Transfiguration of Christ (“Metamorphosis tou Sotiros Christou”) and called Fotodótis (“Give…
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Eine besondere Kermeseiche
6. August 2018
Gastbeitrag und Gemälde von Barbara Lang Eine Kermeseiche im April auf Naxos, hier zu einem richtigen, mehrere Meter hohen Baum herangewachsen. Diese häufige Eichenart wurde früher als Gerbstoffli…
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2. August 2018
Delfi – der Nabel der Welt und eines der wichtigsten Heiligtümer des antiken Griechenlands; wie das große Heiligtum auf Delos war Delfi dem Gott Apollo geweiht. Seine Berühmtheit erlangte das Apoll…
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